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We've raised over £17,000 completing the 3 peaks challenge

David Lavelle

Updated: Jul 4, 2024

On the 20th of April 2024 Staff from across the BAPP Group took part in the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge which entailed walking and hiking 26 miles over the 3 highest peaks in the Yorkshire dales in under 12 hours. Raising money and awareness for the National Autistic Society.

So far in the UK over 500,000 people are diagnosed with Autism with a suspected 750,000 undiagnosed.

What is Autism? – Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. More than 1 in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK.

What does the National autistic Society do? - The National Autistic Society and its supporters campaign to protect the rights and interests of autistic people and their families. Through their campaigns they correct unfair policies and practices, they build public understanding and create a movement of support. Since 1962 the National Autistic Society has been campaigning to transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people.

Only 26% of Autistic people feel happy at School

Only 29% of Autistic people are in any form of employment

70% of Autistic people experience mental health problems

There are over 150,000 people on the waiting list for an Autism assessment in the UK

Every penny raised for the the National Autistic Society through our teams 3 peaks challenge has been matched by BAPP so far making our grand total over £17,000 pounds which does not include cash donations our branches and staff have been collecting behind the scenes.

Thank you to everyone who has already donated. £10 could help an autistic person overcome isolation, thanks to the branch’s and social group networks provided by the National Autistic Society.

Check out the highlights on our facebook page and make sure you drop us a like :)



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